Preparing for dental implants
Replacing missing teeth as soon as a tooth goes missing is critical for your oral health and your well-being. Many people don’t realize that you start losing bone the moment a tooth is no longer attached to the jaw. Over time, the jaw bone can deteriorate and cause a host of oral health issues. If too much bone has been lost and dental implants are the best solution for replacing your teeth, Dr. Wheeler may need to perform procedures that rebuild the lost bone before the implants are placed.
How a Sinus Lift Works
Patients who have a lot of bone loss in the upper jaw or inadequate bone around the upper jaw area may need a sinus lift before dental implants. A sinus lift adds bone or bone-like material in areas of bone loss in the upper jaw to better accommodate the base of an implant. Sinus lifts increase the success rate of dental implants.

How a Bone Graft Works
In some cases, bone loss is more apparent in the lower jaw or only in certain areas of the mouth. A bone grafting procedure will rebuild the lost tissue and create a stable foundation for dental implant placement. Dr. Wheeler performs bone grafting procedures and may include this procedure as part of your tooth replacement plan.